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To own one, you don't need a license. You do, however, have to pay for the special tax stamp, fill out paperwork, get fingerprinted, get a law enforcement signature, find a dealer who is selling what you want, etc.. Go the BATFE website for more information.

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Q: How do you become licensed to own a machine gun?
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Related questions

How old do you have to be to own a machine gun?

In the U.S. you must be 21 to legally own a machine gun or any other class III item.

Can you own a Thompson machine gun in the us?

Yes. and just a correction the Thompson is not a machine gun its a sub machine gun because it shoots pistol caliber rounds get your facts straight

Is a m3 grease gun legal to own?

Only if it was registered with the BATFE by May 1986. It is a machine gun.

Is it legal to own thommy gun?

There are semiautomatic versions of the Tommy gun (Thompson sub-machine gun). They are legal to own. A fully automatic Tommy gun is legal in Texas only if you have the federal license.

Is it legal to own a machine gun in Kansas?

There is no State law that prohibits ownership of a machine gun in Kansas. However, Federal law (National Firearms Act) requires registration of machine guns. Possession of an unregistered machine gun is a serous crime, punished by 10 years in prison.

Can a citizen own a machine gun?

Yes, my friend owns a M16 and served in Iraq.

How do you buy and own licensed gun in Indonesia?

You can own a hand gun in indonesia. You must first take a safety course. Then you must buy your gun, and be registered as a gun club member. And you are purchasing it for security. Or you must claim it is for hunting purposes Once you have the permit. It is legal to openly carry your hand gun in public.

How can you legally get rid of a firearm in WV?

Assuming this is a firearm you own, you can sell it to a gun shop, give it to a friend in your state that is an adult and able to own firearms or contact your local law enforcement officials and surrender the gun to them.

What is a machine gun?

A machine gun is basically an automatic rifle, it has working gas parts which means that the bolt can cock itself instead of a manual cock, therefore the gun can fire faster, if you watch a video of a machine gun you will see the working parts moving backwards and forwards on their own this is the automatic cocking hense why we say its "automatic". machine guns come in variations a proper machine gun is mounted a light machine gun is just a lighter mounted machine gun such as a GPMG or MINIME or SAW and then there are submachine guns which are a lot more compact. a firearm that has continuous firing when trigger is depressed and ceases firing when trigger is released or until ammo runs out.


That would depend on the charge, and whether you are convicted of the charge. This is governed by Federal law, not state law. Gun dealers are licensed by the Federal government.

How old do you have to be to own a gun in the state of Maine?

18. However, Federal law requires that you be 21 to purchase a handgun from a licensed dealer in any state.

Can you legally own a machine gun in the US with a curio and relics license from the BATFE?

To legally purchase a fully operational machine gun, you have to pay a fee and be separately approved for each gun you wish to purchase. It's a tax fee, and has nothing to do with a C&R license.