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I myself was in a similar situation one time

watching life go by, looking at previous choices and feeling down and depressed the majority of the time. circumstances did not help, in debt( not to bad) bad career etc

I think the most important thing to do from the start is believe in yourself

Your asking the question " becoming someone I used to be" I think that says it all really, you are aware of how you used to be, you know you were different and want to do something about it.

I guess, what I did or am doing as I am not fully there yet, look at when you were most happy, what did you do? why were you happy?

for me I worked out, played football and played around with mates alot so incorporating these things back into your life would be a start

whether or not this is a career issue or not, have a look at anything that makes you feel down, chances are if you still doing things that make you happy than there could be something else effecting you? depression etc

Look back for a while, take time out, and think, you can do it, believe in yourself and remember at one time you were happy, its not about becoming that person again its about showing the world a different side to you. and friend, it feels great to see people changing around you because they know they have never seen this side of you for a while


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