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you have to be a priest or one of religious importance to do so, but they say prayers over the water and they believe that god himself blesses it.

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12y ago

You can take regular water and have a priest bless it.

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13y ago

You can find holy water in a Catholic Church, Cathedral, or funeral home.

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Q: How do you bless holy water?
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Can you bless yourself with holy water leaving church?

Yes, definitely! There isn't really a strict set amount on how many times you bless yourself with the holy water.

What do you do if your water bottle is cursed?

You take it to a Catholic Church and have a priest bless it with the strongest Holy water they have.

Why is holy water used in catholic baptism?

to bless them and to welcome them to Gods place

What is the name of the object used to bless the congregation with holy water?

It is called the aspergillum, a fancy word for sprinkler

How do you bless something?

Someone here posted that you can't bless something - they are wrong. You can. You need holy water. You can make holy water by saying a quick player over it, and ... well blessing the water. Believe it or not - when I was a young chap I asked the same thing to a nun - and this is what she told me. I was pressing her to a point about how to baptize someone when they are dying, and you have no holy water around - she told me to even use... saliva.... i don't know if she was just sick of my questions... but yeah. Then you simply say - I bless you, in the name of the Father and the Son and the holy Spirit. Now how accurate this is... not sure - but its as much as I know and it was a nun that directed me on this.

What do they use to put holy water in?

Holy water is usually kept in the Baptismal font, also, there is usually a large urn in most Catholic Churches to hold holy water for the people who want some. They put it in holy water bottles that they bring in with them. The Church has small fonts (small dishes attached to the wall) by each door for people to bless themselves as they come into the Church. For the beginning of Mass, or any other time that the priest wishes to bless everyone with holy water, he will have a handled bucket into which he puts the aspergill (looks like a hollow microphone) that he uses to sprinkle the people with holy water.

Can a lay person bless water?

No. Only a Cleric can Bless/Exorcise a water. However, for a living water i.e. rivers, springs, so on and so forth... For Baptizing needs not to be Blessed/Exorcised.

Could i make holy water in a place where there is not any orthodox church?

You have to find a priest or pastor of some sort to bless it.

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where can I find the Chords to Bless the Lord not to be confused with Bless his holy name

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What word means to make holy?


What did John the Baptist mean by I will baptize you with water but he will baptize you with the holy spirit?

john was only a human, so he could only bless you with mortal things. but Jesus, however, can bless you with immortal things.