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If you have or seen a Boston Terrier and there tail is kinked, it's just the way there tail is. it has never been broken. Unless somebody actually goes and breaks the dogs tail.

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Q: How do you break a Boston Terrier's tail?
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Related questions

How do Boston terrier tails look?

Although it is unusual, a Boston Terriers tail can be crooked, have bumps, or the dog may have no tail at all.

Do Boston terriers tails have to be docked?

No they don't. The American Kennel Club is tyring to bring back the long tail.

Are Boston pug terriers short hair?

There are no such thing as Boston pug terriers but Boston terriers and pugs are both short haired.

Do Boston terriers have fur or hair?

Boston terriers are described to have a fur coat.

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Do people cut Boston terriers tails?

No, never. Bostons don't have much of a tail other then a small corkscrew and you leave it alone. If you get a Boston with a tail it is not full bred but don't ever dock it. I doubt a vet would anyway.

Are Boston Terriers easy to train?

Boston terriers are easy to train. But can be an itty bitty bit stubborn.

Is there a standard size in cm units for Boston terriers tail?

You can look it up on the breed standard of the American Kennel Club but I believe it is one inch.

Were Boston terriers bread to hunt rats?

Boston Terriers were bread to be fighting dogs. When the breed originated they were bigger and tougher then the current typical Boston.

Are Boston terriers extinct or endangered?

Boston Terriers are neither extinct or endangered. In fact, they are a very popular breed in the U.S.

What is better a Boston terrier or a long haired chihuahua?

boston terriers....I've had both, but definetly boston terriers are more social and better with children and shedding!