

How do you break someones spirit?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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14y ago

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"Get a spiritual sledgehammer"

It can certainly FEEL like your being hit with a sledgehammer can't it? The way I'd answer this is: You can break someone's spirit in many ways. Physically, emotionally,mentally and sexually. The most common I hear(esp from women) is emotional abuse. Constant criticizing, which is NOT the same as constructive criticism meant to help a person, but criticizing that leads a person to feel as if they can't do anything right and terrible about themselves. This person may "walk on eggshells" when around the abuser, wanting to please them in order to avoid any conflict. An emotional abuser may call names, insult the other person, throw objects, storm out of a room, slam doors, constantly complain, or even make threats(even if they never physically hurt you),etc...When they've hurt you, they may say things like: "Well, if you'd change or just do what I say, we wouldn't have to go through this." or "I'm trying to help you" or "It's for your own good." They will turn things around to make it look as if YOU have the problem that is need of changing, not them.They try to justify their actions in order to continue their behavior. Like physical abuse, their is a "honeymoon" phase or the kiss-and-make up phase, where the criticizing and abuse will stop temporarily. Usually, this occurs because the abuser fears that their victim may leave them, so they find ways to manipulate and make them "feel better" or give the impression that things have changed. The reality of it is that they usually do not change(not that they couldn't, but often times, they don't or won't). It is the abuser in the cases who are insecure and fear abandonment, yet they do not make the necessary changes to keep that from happening.

If you think you are in such a relationship, I would advise you to cut off the relationship or minimally, separate and get away from this person for awhile. If there is any Physical violence, then leave this person immediately and DO NOT RETURN under ANY circumstances, even if there is a promise to never do it again. People can change, but often times with physical abusers, it rarely does.

Hope this helped some, God bless!!!

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