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Here are your options: * Fuse 3 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" ("BEWD") cards with "Polymerization", "Fusion Gate" and/or "Dragon's Mirror" * "Cyber Stein"'s effect (pay 5000 LP to Special Summon a Fusion Monster from your Fusion deck) * Use "Light Hex Sealed Fusion" and its effect and tribute it along with 2 "BEWD"s on your field * Other Fusion Substitute Monsters can be used in the place of one "BEWD" (except in the case of "Future Fusion" where all 3 "BEWD" cards must be sent from your deck to the Graveyard)

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15y ago
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15y ago

There are many ways to summon a monster in yugioh but the simplest one is Normal Summoning. During either of your main phases you can Normal summon a level 4 or lower monster from your hand (unless it says it cannot be normal summoned in the card text.) You can only normal summon once per turn.

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13y ago

Depends on a card's effect.

There are multiple ways to special summon a monster.

Like example Cyber Dragon can be special summoned if you have nothing on your field while your opponent has 1+ monsters.

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11y ago

well, first of all, you need to look at it's rank at the top (it looks the same as level, but it is called "rank" instead, consider it a fancy name for level)

then it the text box, there will be a requirement, such as 2 level 4 monsters. then you must have 2 level 4 monsters on YOUR side of the field and stack them on top of each other and put the black (xyz) card on top of them.

the monsters below the "black" card will now be called "xyz materials" and the materials ARE NOT CONSIDERED ON THE FIELD, so if you detach a sangan, it's search effect will not activate. you detach (remove) materials ONLY if you need to, in order to activate an effect. if the xyz monster is removed from the field (via destroyed, banished etc.) then ALL the materials must go to the graveyard no matter what.

although rank seems to be the same as level, it is located on the opposite side of the card. (level is on the right hand corner of the card, rank is on the left side of the card)

and one more thing, "black" cards duck over certain card effects, because they have ranks instead of levels. example: my opponent has a gravity bind on the field and I have a Utopia on the field, although it is rank 4, it will not be put to defense position, because it is a RANK 4, not level 4; most people get mixed up on this :P

good luck using xyz monsters! :D

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16y ago

Read the rulebook, that will clear up the basics of yugioh

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12y ago

theyre illegel but tribute 3 monsters

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11y ago

Use Premature Burial or Moster reborn

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