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If a kitten has a fever it might be dehydrated. Try getting it to drink some water or milk if it hasn't recently enough. Make sure the milk is lactose free though!

It also may have feline upper respiratory infection. My kitten just got over that. If it is sneezing, sniffling, and/or has watery eyes then it's probably that. It can get worse if the kitten is stressed, so it's probably not a good idea to do a bath or anything like that.

Feline upper respiratory infection hits young kittens the hardest, especially if they don't have their mother when they're less than 8 weeks old.

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Keep your cat hydrated and calm. If comfortable, the cat's temperature might wind down. If the cat can stand being in water, give him a bath with lukewarm water.

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Age of puppy before bringing home?

It is best to wait until puppies and kittens are eight weeks old to bring them home. Once they reach eight weeks, they are generally weaned from their mothers and can receive vaccination shots, as well as eating some semblance of solid food.

Can a mom cat take the kittens from one location to another?

Absolutely. They're protecting the kittens from predators. I used to work in a home improvement store that had a garden department. Garden departments have bird seed, which is eaten by mice, so it's natural cats would also move in. One of our cats had a litter of four kittens, which she would move up and down in the racking. One time, we watched her move her kittens from the floor to the 16-foot level on a rack. She climbed an upright four times with a kitten in her mouth.

If you call the number on your screen one of these adorable kittens who needs a home can be yours. Which type of audience appeal does the statement show?


How long do it take to be able to giv away kittens?

Most vets reccommend waiting until the kittens are two or three months old. Be sure that you have been playing with the kitten and petting it and getting it used to people, because if you don't, it will not be a good pet.

How does a lion gets its food?

Lions are predators; they stalk their prey, and then, when close enough, rush it and bring it down with their claws and teeth. They can hunt alone but are more successful hunting in cooperation with other members of their pride.

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My cat is pregnant and keeps going to someone else's home What should i do to stop her from having her kittens there?

Bring your cat into your house while she's pregnant and keep her in there until she gives birth and the kittens grow up.

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it is to keep our home safe to prevent for any harm

Why do cats bring goldfish home?

In part to show their prowess in hunting; in part to have a safe place to eat what they've caught; and in part to train their kittens (you) how to hunt fish.

Your cat is pregnant and won't stop going to someone else's home What can you do to help?

Bring the cat into your house and keep it there until it gives birth and the kittens are old enough to leave their mother.

High fever in 9 year old?

9 year olds can survive up to 93 degrees celsius at 10% humidity like in a sauna but at 90% humidity the 9 year old would perish shortly after it reaches 47 degrees Celsius.

What does bring it on mean?

Items you bring-on-home to someone in your home. Bring-on it on-home to mom. Bring-it on-home to dad. Bring-it on-home to the kids. Bring the furniture on home so I can set. Bring-it on-home so I can read. Bring-it on-home so I can cook. Bring-it-on home to snack on. Bring-it-on-home to Fix-It. Bring-it-on-home to Assemble-It. Bring it on home to Install-It. Bring-it-on-home to Maintain-It. Bring-It-On-Home means anything you simply Bring-On-Home or anything you to to approve apearence like dec,plants, etc. If you want to see my blog on Bring-It-On-Home THE LINK IS BELOW: HERE ARE OTHER BLOGS IVE CREATED: Do you need a handyman paste link into address bar Go get it and Bring It On Home

Why did your male cats leave your home when your female cat had kittens?

The male cat doesn't take part in the raising of the kittens it really doesn't care about the kittens just the female and the sex

What is a kittens home?

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What band was Marvin in?

home of auto matic kittens and blue