

How do you broaden my horizons?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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Q: How do you broaden my horizons?
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The symbol for Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc. in the NYSE is: BFAM.

How a luxury brand can broaden its appeal without diluting its brand image?

Alala is a luxury activewear brand with sophisticated styling and a downtown attitude.

What factors would influence a US business firm to go overseas?

Some US businesses go overseas to save money. Other businesses go overseas to broaden their business. Many businesses are able to have a successful international presence.

Who is Nirmal Singh?

Nirmal Singh is an author of "End of Day", National Head of Isntitutional Business of NIIT Limited and Board Member of TEDx NorthIndia. Nirmal is also Board member of SGTrust and operates in diverse function in Rural Computing, Talent Management and Poverty Eradication Team. ______________________________________________________________________ Nirmal Singh is an ex-New Horizons Channel and Key Accounts Head and he joined NIIT somewhere in 2007. Great Presenter and Strategist from India.

Why did you choose US but not Canada or Germany to study?

US has got the finest educational system in the whole world and it provides student to experience its cutting edge technology and research while studying there. This country has ranked the top in the universities system by THE TIMES EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT . Their faculty is world renowned and they emphasize on both the academics and extracurricular activities. US degrees are recognized throughout the world for their excellence. I chose this country because i wanted to broaden not only my educational activities but my cultural and social activities to and i can get a a very good chance for indulging into many different activities which will add new dimensions to my life .....

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This course should broaden my horizons.

Is it correct to say broaden your horizon or broaden your horizons?

The incorrect form is "broaden your horizons" as there can only be one horizon. Edit from another user: There may only be one horizon, but that's hardly relevant in a metaphor. The common usage is "horizons," which is also what all the online references I checked say.

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there is no risk... it is confidention and only serves to broaden your thinking horizons

What does the term broaden your horizons refer to?

To broaden a ones horizons means to expand their life experiences. Also, to open ones mind to new things and try new things and going beyond ones comfort zone. To expand knowledge of the world and do something one would not usually do.

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To discover the world. Broaden your horizons. Seek adventure, relax, enjoy the moment with families.

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Go out and explore new areas. Broaden your horizons. Expand your repertoire.

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Yes, eating exotic foods is something you should try. This allows you to broaden your eating horizons and try new things.

What does expand your horizons mean?

To open up to new ideas, broaden your insight, or expand your point of view. To gather more experience from places, jobs or people far removed from your current situation. Eg: One would go work overseas to expand one's horizons. One would read a book on a completely new subject to expand one's horizons.

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Taking an online accounting course is the best solution if you have a busy schedule and help broaden your horizon to a successful career because it can show the different aspects of being an accountant. You can become skillful enough to get into a high paying accounting job.

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Today, because if we were to live yesterday and do things different it would change the future. There is no reason to live in the past, you should always accept and learn and move on to broaden your horizons.

I need to know all about rock music?

Look up Jimi Hendricks, the Beatles, the Eagles, Molly Hatchet, and Pink Floyd if you want to know all about the foundations of rock or you just want to broaden your horizons with some of the classics. If you want to get more into the modern rock scene i would suggest Papa Roach, the Offspring, Coldplay, and Velvet Revolver. If you want to broaden your horizons even more look up Apocalyptica. They are a great group of four cellists who put a classic spin on a few great rock songs.