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You'll need 4 small plastic bottles for chambers
and two larger ones for the lungs,
clear tubing for blood vessels, a pump or two, since blood goes from the left ventricle to the aorta and from the right ventricle to the lungs at the same time, and modelling clay to leak proof the model. Remember to include the aorta, pulmonary veins, pulmonary areteries and vena cavas. Get the tubing from a hardware store and pump from a pet store (for a fish tank). You'll also need red food coloring and water for blood. You also need a box to put it in. Decorating the box is up to you.

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4d ago

To build a working model heart out of easy-to-find materials, you can use playdough or clay to sculpt the shape of the heart, bendy straws for blood vessels, and a balloon or rubber glove for the balloon or pump. Connect the straws to the balloon or glove to mimic blood flow. Add food coloring to represent blood and demonstrate circulation.

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Q: How do you build a working model heart out of easy-to-find materials?
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How can you build a working model of a heart with cheap and easily accessible materials?

You will need a few plastic empty bottles or a ziploc pouch or bag that may be lying aroud the house, you will also need tubes or straws, you may need batteries as well since you want to build a working model of the heart, check out the nearest dollar store or try working with things you can easily find at home to save you time and money.

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Heart rate monitor

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How do you build a heart model with cheap and easy to find materials?

well, I would use clay or something..... I NEED THE ANSWER TO THIS ALSO FOR A PROJECT!!!!!! but for a start, use clay, and I would put in plastic tubes with a red liquid.