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There are several different things you can do to build immunity in your body. You should get plenty of vitamin C, eat fresh vegetable and beans daily, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day, and get plenty of sleep.

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15y ago

Well, you can drink Orange Juice, take your vitamins, and stay warm in the winter and stay away from sick people and disinfect anything the sick person touched that you use or want to use.

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Q: How can you build up resistance to germs?
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What is the role of evolution to biological resistance?

germs which resist the medication can reproduce other germs which have the same genetic makeup because they're not dead...thats how drug resistance starts.

Why do you need germs on your body?

The human body can handle some germs in the body it helps the body learn to fight and build up an immunity. The body will learn what is foreign like a bacteria and fight against it to promote health. A flu shot is putting a little bit of the flu germs in our body so the body can build up antibodies against it.

When you wash your hands do all the germs come off?

No, not all the germs come off because there are billions and billions and even trillions of types of germs that can exist on a single doorknob, and if soap is applied, about only 99% of the germs go away because soap is not a killer of all the trillions of germs there are. There are some that are not affected by soap, and if soap is used to often, the germs get used to the soap and build up an immunity to it, therefore when you use soap to often, soap will eventually not affect the germs at all.

What is critical resistance of the field circuit of a DC generator?

The value of resistance of shunt field winding beyond which the shunt generator fails to build up its voltage is known as " critical resistance at a given speed it is the maximum field resistance with which the shunt generator excite.

What kind of asses grow hair?

asses that grow hair are ones that aren't clean because if germs build up in your pores, it stimulates hair growth.

What is the role of a vaccine?

A vaccination is weakened germs of a disease. When you get injected with these germs, your body build an immunity against it, so when you really get the disease, your body can fight it off.

Kill Germs On The Toilet?

During cold and flu season, spray the toilet after each use with a disinfectant spray. This will eliminate germs that build up on the toilet seat and the handle. You may also want to scrub the toilet with a disinfecting gel or wipe at least once during the week to eliminate more germs that are prone to sit on toilets.

Why are germs important?

Germs are important because they play a role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and are essential for processes like decomposition. Some germs also help in the digestion of food and support the immune system by building resistance to harmful pathogens. However, certain germs can also cause diseases if not properly managed and controlled.

What blood cell gobble up germs?

The white blood cells get rid of germs.

Drug resistance occurs when?

Drug-resistant yeast infections, as the name implies, are yeast infections that have reached a stage where the infection, or the rather the cause of it, has managed to build-up a resistance to the drug-based medication(s) being used at the time.

How long do germs live in the air?

Germs can stay alive in air for up to 48 hours after leaving an infected person or animal. Some germs can live up to a week on surfaces they infect. It is best to keep hands washed, and surfaces sterile to kill germs.

You broke your left arm but you want to keep up guitar playing so is there anything you can do while it is healing?

Just start by gently pushing strings down and build up resistance