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You would use the AVERAGE function. You could also use the SUM function and then divide by the amount of values, which you could find with the COUNT function. You can directly type in the functions yourself, without using a wizard to do it. You should use some functions, rather than trying to do it manually, as that will give you the correct results.

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6y ago

You would use the SUM function and reference the cells with the appropriate figures, which could be all the individual sales or maybe totals for the months in that quarter. So it really depends on the layout of your worksheet. In that regard, it is impossible to give you a specific formula, but the SUM function is the one you would use.

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Q: How do you calculate quarterly revenue in Excel?
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Potentially it could be used that way, depending on what data you had and how you were calculating the future revenue. If the revenue is conditional on something, then it could be used. There are lots of financial functions that could be used in relation to revenue.

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The revenue is how much is earned on each item. If you total up the revenue of all items and then divide by the amount of items there are, you will get the average revenue. You could use the Average function in Excel to do this.

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=(total revenue- total expenditures)/revenue. you get a percentage.

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To calculate total revenue you simply multiply the quantity by the price. Total revenue includes expenses; therefore, total revenue isn't the same as profit.

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u cannot calculate without sales or revenue. STUPID

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You can calculate the total revenue percentage by substituting the variable X for the monthly revenue, the variable Y for the period of time, and then multiple these to solve for the total revenue percentage.

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