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Q: How do you call something that has no taste?
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How do you taste something?

Your tongue has taste buds. When you eat something, different sections of your tongue taste it depending on what it is.

What is taste adaptation?

you adopt a dog tell people you adapted a dog then you taste check it then you call it an adaptation you could adopt a chicken and it would taste get it never mind what i said you taste something and you adapte it ,it means eat with force in one bite.

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Is flavor a matter of smell or taste?

taste, because it is the distinctive taste of something experienced in the mouth.

What does lead taste like?

Lead taste like something matalic.

When I taste something warm I feel comfortable. What is the action verb?


How do girls taste?

they taste good like something nice and tastey

Why can't you taste anything when your nose is closed don't you taste with your tongue?

Your tongue has five distinct "flavors" it can detect. Bitter, sweet, sour and salty, and something Asians call "umami". Your olfactory nerves (nose) can detect THOUSANDS of "flavors". You can taste "something" when your nose is closed off, however it is limited severely by your turning off most of your detection equipment.

Does chlorophyll taste bad?

It taste Bad my friend. But it is better something to taste bad for your good health than something tasting good for bad health C.R

What is probar in spanish?

It means to try something out; to taste something; or to prove something.

How do butterfly taste something?

their antenta

What makes you be able taste?

Your taste buds make you taste. The feelings on your tonge let you determine the texture of something. Your tongue lets you taste.