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This sounds like one of those grafted things where the red ball cactus is grafted on top of a green one as the red one contains no chlorophyll so cannot support itself and relies on the green one .Just treat it like any other cactus water sparingly and keep the air round it dry.

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Q: How do you care for a cactus that has a green stem and a round red top?
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What part of the plant makes food in cactus why?

In cactus leaves are absent. Chlorophyll are found in trunk mainly.

Why do cactus have green stem?

light refraction of the presence of chlorophyll.

Why does a cactus have a hollow stem?

cactus have a hollow stem. it is where they store water and food for survival

Does a stem carry photosynthesis?

Yes there are photosynthetic stems. Green stems carry out photosynthesis. Example: cactus

How does a cactus make food when it doesn't have leaves?

A cactus makes food through the process of photosynthesis, like any other plant. The difference between a cactus making food from another plant is that cactus have their leaves reduced to spines, therefore, their stem contains chlorophyll and photosynthesis takes place through the stem.

What are the quills attached to on a cactus?

The 'spines' of a cactus attach directly to the stem of the plant.

Where does a cactus store water if it doesn't have leaves?

A cactus stores water in its stem.

Where in the saguaro cactus is the water held?

Water is stored in tissue in the stem of the cactus.

How does the stem of a cactus help it survive in a environment?

The stem of a cactus is able to store water during rainy periods for use during a drought.

What is a very tall cactus that can store water inside there stem?

Water, dissolved nutrients, and byproductsof photosynthesis are stored in the cactus stem. The water and the dissolved nutrients are sent up into the stem from the cactus plant's roots. They're held in the stem until they can be used in the photosynthetic interaction with sunlight. From that interaction are made the energizing carbohydrates, starches and sugars that the cactus needs for such activities as flowering, fruiting, growing, reproducing, and responding to stresses and stressors.

What are three properties of an apple?

They come in different colors- red, yellow, and green. They are fairly round shaped. They usually contain a leaf by the stem. They have a stem.

Why do cactuses have green stems?

Chlorophyll gives cactus stems their green color. A cactus has chlorophyll because of the stem's photosynthetic interaction with sunlight to make cactus foods. In many other plants, photosynthesis takes place in the leaves. But cactus needles don't offer a large enough surface for photosynthesis to take place or for photosynthetic byproducts to be stored. Instead, needles have reduced surface areas to stop surface evaporation of moisture. So photosynthesis instead must take place within the larger surface area of the stem.