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You need to have either a light light above it or keep in tons of sunlight!! if they don't get enough they will turn brown and die!!!SO ALWAYS KEEP THEIR CAGE IN THE SUN! OR JUST BUY A CLIP ON LIGHT AT YOUR PET STORE IN THE REPTILE SECTION OR LIZARD SECTION! keep them in a cage because they are fast little buggers. Feed them meal worms or crickets! Buy the, at your local pet store. Also don't give thema bowl of water spray their cage around the walls, this keeps it moist and they will lick it off to drink. you should put soil at the bottom of its cage with some plants like grass (buy all of this at a local store) DO NOT JUST PICK GRASS OUTSIDE AND PLOP IT IN YOUR CAGE AND DO NOT JUST GET DIRT FROM OUTSIUDE!!! please buy it at a pet store

Whoa, This is like, the exact opposite of the research I've done. It says to NEVER leave your anole in direct sunlight, or else it will literally cook inside out! Tempertures that are perfect for them is 60-80 F(75) They may be fast little dudes, but they are SO friendly! I ALWAY'S Take TRex (My 3 month old Anole) Out of his cage and play with him, he's SUPER friendly! I do agree with buying your items sanitized at a pet store though. I do Feed him 2 crickets every other day, sometimes, as a treat, I'll slice up some fresh fruit and give him a peice or two. For More nutriation, Peach and Banana baby baby food.

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Green anoles eat a variety of small insects, and may drink flower nectar occasionally. In captivity, they should be provided with a setup that is 80F with a 90F basking spot during the day. (It can drop to 70F at night). The humidity should be around 80%. Water should be provided with a dripper, or by spraying. A UVB reptile light is necessary.

Green anoles should be offered small insects--crickets are the staple. Flightless fruit flies are also a good food item. Mealworms are not suitable. They should be 1/4 inch or smaller, and should be dusted with a calcium supplement at every feeding, because crickets are too high in phosphorus. Once a week, this should be a supplement containing vitamin D3. One feeding per week should be dusted with a vitamin powder containing preformed vitamin A, instead of calcium.

Feed every day for juveniles, and every other day for adults. Feed as many insects as they will eat in 15 minutes, and remove all of the leftovers so they will not bite or harass the lizards.

Green anoles may be given a small portion cup of peach baby food once a week as a treat. They may be given Repashy crested gecko diet, or day gecko diet on a daily basis, as an additional food item, if they will accept it. (If they don't go for it immediately, offer the peaches first...if those are accepted, then mix in the day gecko diet in increasing amounts over time, until they're eating the MRP instead of peaches).

It is unknown whether green anoles can be maintained strictly on a day gecko or crested gecko meal replacement powder, but it is possible that they might be.

Cage furnishing should consist of a variety of climbing branches that allow the anole to get close to the UVB lamp and basking area, and real or fake plants with broad leaves, that will allow them to hide and feel secure. The cage floor can consist of reptile carpet, eco-earth, or 'forest floor' bedding.

The cage itself should be at least a 10 gallon for a single animal, or a 20 gallon for 2 or 3 animals (never house 2 males together). Vertically oriented cages are much better, and the Exo-Terra or ZooMed vivariums with the front-opening doors are ideal. (The 12 X 18 would be suitable for a single animal).

Most green anoles are wild-caught, and should be checked for internal parasites and treated by a veterinarian soon after purchase. It is worthwhile to search for captive-bred young green anoles.

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