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Well, green anoles are tricky... if you think your fast enough, you can catch them easilly. brown anoles not so much less.if u need more help go to the question(HOW DO YOU CATCH A BABY GREEN ANOLE IN YOUR HOUSE) for my information cause i dont feel like typing that in again k?

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First i wood trie to get it somewhere confined,bathrom,cornerbehind something with only 1 or 2 exits.if you know how to catch it with your hands. if u don't trie confining it and putting a strainer,etc.also as long as this may take, tries getting to go out thre door or at least if its in a small room with u shut the door and stuuff something like a towel uneder it them if u r going to catch it bare handed don't be afraid to squash him a liitle bit to get a grip on u. if he/she bites it wont hurt cause they have no teeth.them obviously if they live in ur garden or whatever just drop him there or at least don't put him out in the open...hope this helped PS i catch lizards all the time and i uasully cattch amnoles so it should work

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Q: How do you catch a baby green anole in a house?
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Can a baby anole and a green anole be keept in the same tank?

No - Absolutely NOT ! The babies should be separated as soon after they appear as is possible - to the adult for mistaking the young for a small food !

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Yes, adults will eat hatchlings.

Is a green young anole a boy or a girl?

There is no special name for baby green anoles. They are usually just referred to as baby anoles. When they are very young, they may be referred to as hatchlings, which is a term commonly used to describe any young animal that has just hatched from an egg.

Could fire bellied toads live with a baby green anole?

No, they may eat the lizard. Toads usually attack anything that will fit in their mouth.

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No. Anoles eat insects. If you have a pet anole you can feed it crickets, which are commonly sold for that purpose at pet stores.

What do baby green anoles eat?

I've had a baby brown anole for a few months now and the only thing I have found small enough to feed her are flightless fruitflies. They can be purchased at most Petco's and online. They are the size of a normal fruitfly, but are unable to fly.

I found a baby lizard in my house he was almost clear when i found him then i caught him and his tail was gone now he's clear up front and greenish in back what type ofg lizard is he?

It sounds like an anole or a chameleon

Can a red eared slider turtle and a salamander live in the same aquarium?

ya they can but not a salamander with a snapper turtle the snapper will eat it

What do baby brown anole lizards eat?

I've had a baby brown anole for a few months now and the only thing I have found small enough to feed her are flightless fruitflies. They can be purchased at most Petco's and online. They are the size of a normal fruitfly, but are unable to fly.

If you take a mother anole lizard away from it's baby will the baby die?

no the baby will have more of the chance of living if it is separated. who is to stop the parents if they mistake the baby for food? (it has happened and the parents have attacked the babies before as well)