

Best Answer
Catching Pokemongo catch a hundred zubat and go to the first gym and save when you turn on you will have leaf green pokemons.P.S they will be lv.75. Answercheat things or use Pokemon colloseum or Pokemon XD or possibly ruby or sapphire
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Q: How do you catch the Pokemon in LeafGreen without buying the game?
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Nowhere no hoenn Pokemon can be captured in leafgreen.

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Rayquaza is not in leafgreen, trade one from ruby, sapphire or emerald to leafgreen.You can't without an AR.

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How do I get an ekans in Pokemon LeafGreen?

"How do I get an ekans in Pokemon leafgreen?"You can't catch an ekans in Pokemon leafgreen, but you can catch it in Pokemon firered and trade it.I got my Ekans at route 10 at lv. 4

How do you catch a toros in Pokemon LeafGreen?

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How do you catch mew in Pokemon FireRed and Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't get mew in firered or leafgreen.