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Okay, this is just a little confusing as the word "feast" is used in two different ways. A feast (in the first way) is any day set apart by the Church for giving special honor to God, the Savior, angels, saints, and sacred mysteries and events (Father Hardon).


Now feasts are divided according to how important they are, since the Second Vatican Council they have been divided into Solemnities, Feasts (this is the "second way"), Memorials, and Optional Memorials. A Solemnity has three readings at Mass, a Gloria, and a Creed. I believe that a Feast has two readings and a Gloria, memorials just have the two readings, no Gloria, and no Creed.

In many cultures, in addition to the mass, a feast is held on the streets with music, bands, carnival, and procession of the statue of the saint through the streets, in the saint's honor. It is often a 3 day celebration.

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Q: How do you celebrate a catholic feast day Is it a real feast or a kind of mass?
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