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Q: How do you change a fish tank filter Top fin for 10 gallon?
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Can you use a thirty gallon filter on a twenty gallon fish tank?

yes you can it will be fine. i have experience :) haha

What are all supplies needed for a 25 gallon fish tank?

Freshwater setup: MUST HAVE: Tank, filter, filter pads/media, heater, light, fish, water, electricity, fish food, place to put tank NICE TO HAVE: Substrate, decorations, tank lid

What do you do if you are going on a vacation for a few month and you have 3 fish in a 2.5 gallon fish tank no filter in new Orleans?

You should probably find them a new home and when the time comes to have fish again, you should buy a bigger tank and a filter. Three fish cannot properly live and survive in a 2.5 gallon tank - this is not even safe for a betta

What kind of a filter do you need for a 2.5 gallon tank?

You may be able to use a very small internal filter with a 2.5 gallon tank. You can check with your local fish/pet store and they may be able to show you ones that would work for your tank

What is the wide is a 55 gallon fish tank?

length and width for a 55 gallon fish tank

Does a 40 gallon fresh water fish tank need a oxygen filter?

It never hurts to have a filter it will only improve your fish's chances of survival and decrease your need to clean.

Do you have to have a filter with fish with puffy eyes?

Filter a fish? Do you mean filtering a fish's tank? Well you have to filter any fish's tank.

Do corycat fish get along with fancy guppies in a 10 gallon tank?

Provided the tank has sufficient water (1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water) and a cycled filter and a heater set to 75F and you change at least 50% ot the water very week there should not be any major problems.

How often should you change the filter on your fish tank?

Your tank filter should be changed every month. If your filter becomes clogged, it should be changed right away.

Do you need an filter in a 1.5 Gallon fish bowl?

Yes, every fish tank should have a filter, but depending on the kind of fish it can be exempt. If not an air bubbler is a good idea. The filter cleans the tank, along with putting oxygen in the water, and the air bubbler also puts necessary oxygen into the water.

Does a 40 gallon water tank need a oxygen filter?

It never hurts to have a filter it will only improve your fish's chances of survival and decrease your need to clean.

What fish can you put in a five gallon tank?

you can put a betta in a 5 gallon tank