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cd /q2-jan14

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Q: How do you change from your home directory in Linux to q2-jan14 directory?
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How are directory paths indicated in Linux?

The root directory is /. The home directory is /home/user.

What is the main file directory in Linux?

It is the Home Directory.

What does CD means in Linux os?

If by "CD" you mean the linux terminal command "cd", it stands for "change directory". It allows you to move from one directory to another. It's basically the same as Window's cd / will take you to the very first directory, which is the root directory. (Do not confuse this with /root directory)cd .. will take you one directory upcd ~ will take you to your (currently logged in user's) home directory, which is, (/home/)cd - will take you back to where you were before you change directories.

What Linux commands make your home directory the working directory?

the command 'cd ~' will get you there .

What is Linux command CD?

change directory. cd /home/user/ wil take you to the home folder of that user. With cd .. you go down a folder, so if you're in /home/user and type "cd .." you wil then be in the /home/ directory.

What is the symbol used to indicate you are in the root directory in Linux?

"/" is the root directory in Linux. Make sure not to confuse this with the "/root" directory, which is the home directory for the user "root" (similar to "Administrator" on Windows)

What is the shortcut to the login directory in linux?

"cd" with no directory takes you to your home (login) directory. In a path, ~ (tilde) means your home directory, ~usr means the home directory of user usr. For example, "cp ~/foo ~john" copies file foo from your home directory to john's.

What will be the name of home directory of user 'Govind' in Linux?

it will be of the name which is selected by Govind.....

What Linux character can also be used to refer to the current user's home directory?

The tilde character (~) is a shortcut for the home directory of the currently logged-on user.

What the most important directories for Linux?

The Home directory is the most important one. All other directories, such as Documents, Pictures, Videos, and so on, stem from the Home directory.

What is the command is used to remove directory in Linux?

Assuming the directory is in your Home directory use: rmdir directory-name This will fail if there are files within the directory. In this case, use rm -r directory-name.

What is the effect of entering the command CD in Linux?

By itself, cd will do nothing. When it is followed by the name or path of a folder, for example cd /home/user, it will change the current working directory to the one specified.