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Q: How do you change the color of the background on a paragraph add this to the text background is?
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What is a background color or pattern for the paragraph text is called .?


What is the background color or pattern for the paragraph text?

The background color would be a hex number like #eeeeee or the title of the color like lightslateblue p{ background: #/name }

What is the background color or pattern for the paragraph text called?

The background color would be a hex number like #eeeeee or the title of the color like lightslateblue p{ background: #/name }

What does the background color or pattern for the paragraph text is called?


What do you add to change the background color of a text?

Assuming the text you're trying to add a background color to text within a div: # divname { height: 100; width: 100; } function onchange(divname) { document.getElementById(divname).style.backgroundColor = "blue"; } link Or do you just want a static color behind your text? # bluebg { background-color: blue; }OR look at my text!

Is there a way to change the background color of the text boxes in Chrome as of 04xx10?

Themes are the only ways of changing the background color. It cannot be changed manually as such.

How do you change the font size and color of the paragraph you just made in word?

Highlight the paragraph, then edit the font - usually this is located in the "home" section of Word 07 - also, in the same section, there will be colour (text colour and highlight colour), choose change text colour and it should change for you.

How do you change color of cmd?

To change the color, you must type "color" followed by a number and a letter. The number represents the background color and the letter represents the text color. To view the available colors, enter "color g" into CMD. This will give you a list of the available colors for text and background and the letter/number that cooresponds. Decide what color combination you want and type the appropriate number and letter. For example, if you want red text on a purple background, you would type "color 5C" (because 5=purple and C=red).

What color contrasts with the background color of the slide?


How do you change the background colour on wikispaces?

You change it by hitting the edit button on the top, right-hand corner. Then you hit the "T" with the artist painting thing around it. Click "Text color", or "Background color." Then move the mark around to the desired color.

How do you change font color in text in adobe acrobat professional?

You can change text and background colors via the following commands... Edit > Preferences > Accessibility > check Replace Document Colors.

How do you change the color of credit text on Windows Movie Maker?

To change the credit text color in Windows Movie Maker:> Once you've got your credit text placed, click on change the text font and color> Click the 'A' button below the word Color> A color menu appears. Choose a color, then click Ok.