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I think, the best way to check water is the use of a hydrometer. Pure (distilled) water has a Specific Gravity (SG) of 1.000. So check it with a hydrometer, if it's SG is one than it is distilled water otherwise contaminated.

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Q: How do you check deminerlized and distilled water quality?
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Can reverse osmosis water be used in batteries?

In a pinch, you can use tap water in a lead-acid battery. Since the minerals dissolved in the water will eventually poison the battery it isn't advisable to make a habit of it. If your reverse osmosis device removes most of the minerals you can probably substitute it for distilled water but you should confirm the quality of the water it produces before making a habit of it. A quick method to check the quality would be to check the water's conductivity. Using an Ohm meter, compare its conductivity to that of distilled water at the same temperature. If the measurements are close then have at it.

Can you find distilled water in France?

No, unless you order online which can be very expensive and not of good quality..

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No, distilled water is distilled water.

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Distilled water. It has less bacteria and chemicals in it than tap water.

Is distilled water a carbohydrate?

No, distilled water is simply water.

What is a water distiller?

A water distiller is used to produce high quality water through the process of distillation. Distilled water has many uses inside and outside of the home.

Why is distilled water a base?

Distilled water is not a base.

What is a sentence for distilled?

You should not drink distilled water as it lacks minerals which are beneficial for us.Make a solution of the salt in distilled water.

Why does your distilled water sting your tongue?

It should not, mine doesn't. If yours does so then seek medical advice or check your water.

Is distilled water classified as a base?

Distilled water is neutral

Distilled water is an element mixture or a compound?

Water (distilled or not) is a chemical compound - H2O.

Which has higher water potential pure water or distilled water?

distilled! :D