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Q: How do you classify a patient with no apparent injuries and a respiratory rate of 35?
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A patient choking on a hot dog is this respiratory acidosis or respiratory alkalosis?

This is respiratory acidosis. The patient will be unable to perform proper gas exchange due to the obstruction (food). As a result, the carbon dioxide levels will rise, and the pH will drop.

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What is the primary respiratory drive for a patient with COPD?

Hypoxic drive.

What if your patient has a respiratory disease that has literally paralyzed the cilia Explain why this patient would be at an increased risk for a respiratory infection?

The cilia prevent things from getting into the lungs, such as bacteria, so if they are paralyzed, they can't do that.

What are the early warning signs of colitis?

Symptoms of colitis vary from patient to patient and some symptoms are not apparent to the patient. Some signs include problems with digestion.

Is respiratory lessons available for free?

A free respiratory course has been created by William French, medical educator and author of Case Profiles in Respiratory Care, Delmar Publishing. This course consists of eight pulmonary care patient cases and patient simulations.

What is the meaning of TPR in taking patient's vital signs?

Temperature, pulse, respiratory.

Which vital sign should you not mention that you are taking to the patient?

Counting respiratory rate.

Which respiratory ailments can respiratory volume test be used to detect?

Emphysema is one respiratory disease that can be detected by a volume test. If the patient is unable to take large breaths, this may be a sign of lung diseases.

When is occupational therapy used?

Occupational therapy may be prescribed to rehabilitate a patient after amputation, arthritis, cancer, cardiac disease, head injuries, neurological injuries, orthopedic injuries, pulmonary disease, spinal cord disease, stroke, and other injuries/illnesses