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Swiffer Wet Jets are safe for laminate flooring. To clean a hardwood laminate floor without damaging it, you should use a mop and hot water. Wring the mop out so it is not dripping wet.

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Q: How do you clean a hardwood laminate floating floor without damaging it Are those swiffer wet jets safe?
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Can you use a Swiffer wetjet to clean hardwood floors?

Yes, the Swiffer Wetjet is effective at cleaning hardwood floors, whether real hardwood, or manufactured wood flooring. Proctor & Gamble, the manufacturer of the Swiffer Wetjet, sells a liquid hardwood floor cleaner that works well to remove surface dirt from the wood floors. The Wetjet works best on floors that have been sealed first, rather than bare wood.

Can the Swiffer Replace the Vacuum for Cleaning Hardwood Floors?

The Swiffer is great for picking up most loose dirt on flat surfaces, like hardwood floors. The Swiffer partly relies on static electricity to do it's job, and some dirt particles are not attracted to it. So your Swiffer may be great for day to day cleaning, but every once in awhile it's good to also use a vacuum.

What are the best mops for wooden floors?

A microfiber mop achieves the best cleaning results on laminate floors

Can you use ammonia on laminate floors to clean?

Mist it in the air and let it fall as a mist onto the Laminate, then use a swiffer style pad on it and you will have pretty good results. DO NOT POUR it on! MIST from a sprayer and let it fall

What cleaning supplies should be used on a wood floor?

I find the Swiffer Wet Jet is the best cleaning product for hardwood floors. It is easy to use and has a great cleaning solution that is safe for hardwood floors.

What is the best way to clean laminate floors?

You shouldn't use wet products on laminate floors. A dry mop such as a swiffer duster will do the trick. There are products on the market that are excellent for cleaning laminated floors. They contain a cleaner that leaves the floors clean and like new.

Can steam cleaners be used to clean Pergo Laminate flooring?

No they can not. The steam would melt the realistic-looking wood, its probably best to stick to using a swiffer wet mop.

Best way to clean up hardwood floors?

One great way to clean a hardwood floor is sweeping it and vacuuming it every day. Then, every week or so, you should use one of the sweeper mops with the spray like the swiffer jet.

How many different types of Swiffer Sweepers are out on the market?

There are 6 out on the market. They include the Swiffer WetJet, Swiffer Sweeper, Swiffer Sweeper-VAC, Swiffer, Sweeper Heavy Duty, Swiffer Dusters, and the Swiffer Dust-N-Shine.

How do you take care of a laminate floor?

Day to day cleaning: Swiffer style sweeper. Spot cleaning: windex, alcohol or plain nail polish remover. Never wax. Use no oils.

how to clean laminate wood floors?

If a wood floor has been properly varnished, it will be waterproof, and you can wash it as you would any other floor. If it is just a matter of removing dust, you could use a Swiffer.

Can you use window cleaner on laminate floors?

Window cleaner is a good alternative to the high priced stuff the makers sell. Just spray it in the air & let it fall on the surface & then swiffer or rub it off with a soft slightly damp towell. DO NOT pour anything wet of your laminate and DO NOT use a steamer.