

How do you clean erasers?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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15y ago

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Plain running tab water will do. This will make the powder not to make a cloud that would make most people cough.

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Q: How do you clean erasers?
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Mr. Clean erasers can't do that they can only get stuff off of hard surfaces.

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Please clean the erasers. That's a clean machine!

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you take 2 dry erasers , one in each hand and clap them to gether, by doing this you remove the collected chauk. Doing this several times cleans the erasers

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Yes, the magic erasers do work when used properly. If you are attempting to remove a stain on the carpet, the magic erasers will more than likely not work for that.

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Mr. Clean magic erasers work great, they sell them at Wal-Mart and places like that.

What are the different types of erasers?

plastic erasers, art gum erasers, kneaded erasers

What is the fraction out of 8 erasers minus 3 erasers?

8 erasers minus 3 erasers is 5 erasers, which is an integer, not a fraction.

What is the difference between rubber and foam?

I do not really know the difference between those two , but I sure know that the foam erasers are better ! I do not know about you guys but for me the foam erasers are better !Example:Foam erasers are a new formula that provides great erasing power with minimal pressure. Eraser dust sticks together , making clean up easy ! Also the foam erasers will last longer than the rubber erasers !! I am just talking about the erasers , and I do not know what is the difference ! I hope this helped you ! XD

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I use Mr. Clean Erasers - they do a great job.

Why do euporeans not have erasers?

Europeans do have erasers.

Are erasers a weapon?

erasers can be used in violent manner! so use your erasers wisely.