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To clean mold off a moon bounce, you would need vinegar, nylon scrub brush and cleaning rags. The rags can be soaked in the vinegar and then scrub down the moon bounce. If the mold doesn't come clean right away, the nylon scrub brush can be used for extra cleaning power.

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Q: How do you clean mold off a moon bounce?
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How do you clean a moon bounce?

I am clown that face paints; I have come across small moon bounce cpompanies that are not cleaning their moon bounces. They are stating that they do not want the clown/face painter to face paint. Since they are not cleaning their moon bounce after each use. Af a child goes into a moon bounce it is possible that some face painter can sweat off and leave marking on the moon bounce. Since the face paint is water base and removes with water, this means they are not cleaning down their equipment after uses. Please inform me of then sanitary usage of moon bounce, how to clean one and etc. They are packing their moon bounces on site for next day usage without clean after many children have used them. This is a germ magnet, yet they are stating NO FACE PAINTER so they do have a problem! HELP! This is my job and I clean my equipment after uses! Does their rental of equipment come under any health regulation with children/safety act? It sure, for the moon bounces are dirty, and don't appear safe in my book. I have been in the business for 29 years of children entertainment and this should be looked into. Maryland/Delaware/Virgina/Washington, DC/Pa -Holiday The Clown

How do you clean mold and mildew off polyester?

with a mild solution of vinagar and water in a spray bottle and a cloth

How do you clean mold off the bathroom ceiling?

Vinegar and hot water, will clean some molds, but for advancd mold removal, you will need an expert, or, if you want to do it yourself, there is a mold recipe that can be mixed for killing the advanced mold. Mold can be a health issue if you do not know how to take care of it

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The source is actually from the Sun. The Sun;s rays bounce off the moon and it goes to the Earth

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If the moon is not blocked by the earth it will shine. Why? Because stray light rays bounce off the surface of the moon. It looks like the moon is giving off its own light, but no.

How do you clean mold and mildew stains off of a water slide?

Bit of spit and a rub

can you please tell me if you can wipe mold off the walls and the walls then look clean?

Well you can wipe the mold off but it will still have a dirty look to it. Also the mold is inside the wall too and it will just regrow over the wall again.

How to remove tough block mold?

Seal off that area from the rest of your home so that the mold does not spread. Then use soap and a sponge to clean off any mold that you can see. Next, use a mold disinfectant to remove any mold spores that are left. Last, throw away everything that you use to complete the job.

Would power washers clean mold off of house siding?

A power washer on it's own may not be able to clean all the mold off of house siding. It would be best to use a power washer that allows soap to be added. Instead of soap add an anti-fungal chemical that should help clean the mold better.

How can I clean the mold off an old shower?

Any cleaning product that contains bleach will work to clean up mold. Clorex clean up is always a good choice. Just spray it on and let it set about 5 minutes and then wipe clean. It may take a few applications depending on how much mold you have. Finally, use rubber gloves in a well ventelated area for saftey.