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We need to know aprox how old it is to give you a decent answer.

Up to aprox a year of inactivity, you can get away with siphoning out as much fuel as you can then replacing with fresh fuel, fuel filterand adding an additive.

Two years or more of inactivityit would be best to drop the tank and flush it out.

After ten years of inactivitydrop the tank, inspect it along with the fuel lines and the neoprene hose connections, you may consider replacing the tank with a new one.

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Q: How do you clean old gas out of a gas tank?
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the tank needs to be removed. There are various kits that can clean the rust and scale from the tank. Some people use cleaned marbles or pebbles and shake them inside the tank as well to beat even more scale out. The tank needs to be chemically sealed to stop the rust and keep what's left from mixing in with the fuel.

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clean out the inside of your rusty gas tank!

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