

How do you clean sharpie?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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14y ago

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actually, it depends on where you use it. If you wrote something on a smooth surface, you can rub it off with nail polish remover. It may work on other surfaces, but it also may not.

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Q: How do you clean sharpie?
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Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! trust me it will work or if you dont have that use bleach and sunlight or fingernail polish remover =)

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Try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, those supposedly can get and smudges or stains of of anything. If that doesn't work, try sandpaper. It almost always gets things off, you just might have to deal with scuffed shoes though. Oh and you can try gently rubbing nail polish remover on converse to get the sharpie off of it (if you need to get sharpie off of converse!!!)... it worked for me!!!!!

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Once the sharpie is on paper, it cannot be removed. You can only cover it up with whiteout, since the sharpie marks are permanent.

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Not sure if it really works, but I have heard if you write over a sharpie in a different color sharpie, it erases it - maybe worth a try.