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see bushes ground pound on them

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Q: How do you collect acorns in drawn to life?
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How do you beat Deadwood on Drawn to Life?

With great difficulty. Basically you have to shoot the acorns three times each and then shoot the blob-like thing that appears.

What animal can jump from tree to tree collecting acorns and cach to store for the winter?

Squirrels can jump from tree to tree and collect acorns for the winter.

Do frozen acorns sprout and grow?

Acorns should be refrigerated to keep them from drying out, but do not freeze them. Red Oak acorns should be kept moist and refrigerated for at least 42 days. White Oak acorns germinate quickly and can be planted immediately. Be sure to identify the type of oak tree you collect acorns from.

How did the hupa tribe get food?

Well, since the Hupa people ate acorns, nuts,and plants,they would grow the plants ( or find them ) and they would collect the berries,nuts, and acorns.

Can you eat a trukey in the harvest fatival in animal crossing?

No,but you can collect acorns to trade the to the mayor for cool stuff.

How do you get past the darkness in the banya fields in drawn to life?

all you need to do at the end is collect all the people and the templates and you should be able to get through

Which game is more awesome spongebob drawn to life or drawn to life?

drawn to life is awesome

Collect on checks that are drawn on a closed accounts?

To collect on checks that are drawn on a closed account, you have to take the check-writer to small claims court and get a judgment. The check is considered a contract.

When did Drawn to Life?

Drawn to Life happened in 2007.

When did Drawn to Life happen?

Drawn to Life happened in 2007.

When was Drawn from Life created?

Drawn from Life was created in 2001.

Does the mayor come back to life after he dies in drawn to life?

no he does not come back to life on drawn to life but he does come back on drawn to life the next chapter.