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The record company that makes the album should be sending you royalty checks if you have signed a contract as produced of a song they publish. If you produced the song for a flat fee with no sales percentage split in a contract, you can't collect royalties. In the US, companies like ASCAP distribute royalties for songs played on tv and radio. In Canada, SOCAN does the same.

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Q: How do you collect royalties for a song you produced?
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What are two ways to collect income?

Rent and royalties.

Who gets what when and how?

It is important to determine who gets what and how when distinguishing between recording-artists royalties and songwriter/publishing royalties. Contracts should be drawn up and agreements shouldÊbe made between all parties inÊtheÊrecording industry Êbefore a hit song is produced

How can I protect songs that i wrote and how do I do it?

you have to register them with a publishing company , who will collect royalties and protect the copyright

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The writers get it.

What is the average number of royalties received by music writers each year?

Song writers do not receive much in royalties for writing a song they receive about 9 cents for a song if it gets put on a CD and also get paid for when it's played in concerts, theaters, etc. But if they make on average about $5000 a year in royalties but $5000 is better than nothing. And if their song is a a million dollar record they receive a little over $22,000 for that song.

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The rapper, known for his hit song "Ice Ice Baby", was ordered by a judge to pay royalties for using the bassline to the song "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie.

Which song generates the highest royalties every year?

As of now, "White Christmas" by Irving Berlin holds the record for generating the highest royalties every year. This classic holiday song continues to be widely performed and licensed, contributing to its continued success in generating royalties.

Who receives the royalties from the song God Bless America?

The Boy Scouts of America.

Cat Stevens singing t mobile song?

Cat Stevens wrote the song and presumably is receiving the royalties for it.

Can you put song titles or quotes in children's books?

Do not quote lyrics in your book. You will have to pay royalties to the author of the song.

Does anyone have a fair estimate of the total amount of royalties of the song California Dreamin by John and Michelle Phillips?

No one, including Michelle Phillips, has a fair estimate of the total amount of royalties of the song California Dreaming by John and Michelle Phillips. When asked, Michelle stated that she did not break down her income by royalties for particular songs.

Who receives the royalties for the song God Bless America?

The Irving Berlin Music Company is the rightsholder, but all royalties go to the Boy Scouts of America.