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Q: How do you come on to a girl you like over text without being weird in middle school?
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How would a shy person in middle school go from shy to loud without being thought of as weird?

bull horn.; There is nothing wrong with being shy. And since you are barely in middle school, you still have time to find your group which will for sure help you open up. Hope that helped

How does a shy person in middle school go from shy to loud and popular without being thought of as weird?

it can't happen, unless it happens over a very long period of time

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yes that is weird..

How would a shy person in middle school go from loud to shy without being thought of as weird?

The shy person doesn't know who she really is. She has to pick one- either loud or shy. You can't be both. They're opposites.

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normals is what the general population takes to not be weird toasting bread: normal using toast as crotch warmer: weird

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its my weird school by Dan Gutman the name of AJ, Ryan, Michael, Andrea ,Emily ,Neils school is Ella Mentry school

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try to become friends with her and be nice and if she excepts you then fantastic you'll be able to talk to her without it being weird, but if she's mean to you she's not worth it.

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Why do you have a weird middle name?

People are usually known by their first and last names, with middle names being left unsaid, as a result, if a parent wishes to bestow a weird name on their child, usually in order to commemorate some aspect of family history, or our of sheer eccentricity, the safest way to do that is to make the middle name weird, and the first and last names normal.

What is the best way to ask a guy who he likes without being weird when you both are in fifth grade?

Actually, you should not ask. It would be weird for him and you any way.

How is middle school like?

Middle school is weird, because you have a mixture of people from different cultures and religions all at the one place, plus with young people developing and experimenting it can be quite a struggle. But don't let that get you down, middle school is also a great place to learn new things and gain lifetime friends.