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The hypothetical connection between a black hole and a white hole is presented with the wormhole theory that was brought upon by Einstein when he described the fabric of space-time as well as the multiverse theory, which explains there is more than just one universe. A black hole has an extremely high mass which bends and traps light. The fabric of space time is severly warped and tears into the fabric or connects to another universe or simply another point in the same universe. The white hole would be the exit at the other end of the black hole

The concept for associating wormholes with black holes arose from an alternative theory in 1922 which suggested that black holes would not stabilize as a singularity. Rather this alternative theory suggested that a black hole could allow for torsion to form an Eisen-Rosen Bridge through to a white hole on the other side. Stephen Hawking later popularize this concept by suggestion that time travel would be possible through a wormhole. Still this is all only theory. There has never been any real evidence to consider the existence of wormholes as anything but theory, and it remains only as a mathematical probability.

As a side note, other studies suggest that wormholes cannot be real because the very existence relies on the pairing of black holes or the pairing of a black hole and a white hole. And since there is no escape from a black hole (save the lost energy of matter being radiated), the paring black holes is an inept conception of travel. Similarly disputed is the co-existence of a black hole and a white hole; i.e. since there considered a set amount of energy and matter within the universe by virtue of the Big Bang, then there can be no loss or gain of energy or matter within an already created universe. Simply stated, the co-existence of a black hole and a white hole pairing imposes a SpaceTime paradox.

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Q: How do you connect a black hole with a white hole?
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White holes are very speculative; it is likely they don't even exist. ======================== True but general relativity does support its existence. Though it may sound science fiction singularity does prompt it to exist as an exit gate to the entry gate i.e. the black hole.

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A black hole and a white hole are linked through the concept of theoretical astrophysics. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, a black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape. On the other hand, a white hole is a hypothetical region where matter, energy, and even light can only exit, but nothing can enter. It is believed that black holes and white holes are connected through wormholes, which are hypothetical tunnels in spacetime that could connect distant regions or even different universes.

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Yes, a white hole. It throws stuff out instead of sucking it in.

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It is not known whether there actually are white holes, or whether they might exist - and if they do, exactly what properties they would have. White holes are a possible solution to the equations of Relativity, but that doesn't mean they actually exist. The problem is that they are in a way the reverse of a black hole - nothing can get OUT OF a black hole, and nothing can get INTO white hole. As a result, it seems to be impossible to destroy a black hole... But similarly, it would also be impossible to create a while hole.

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Is a white hole the opposite of a black hole?

Pretty much. While white holes are still only a theory, they are things that hypothetically allow mass and energy to escape but not enter. This is the opposite of a black hole which allows mass and energy to enter, but not to escape. Some theorize that the matter and energy escaping from the white hole may have gotten there from falling into a black hole but just missing the singularity and therefore escaping. I'm no expert on white holes, and as I said earlier they are still a theory. But from what I do know I think it is safe to say that yes, white holes are pretty much the opposite of black holes.