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Q: How do you construct and apply ladder logic or sequential charts?
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You.... have to apply this formula! n(n+1)/2 and n is the no. of terms

How are words compared on the ladder of abstraction?

The "ladder of abstraction" is a comparison of words in terms of whether they apply to concrete phenomena (a coin) or to more abstract terms (wealth). The higher points on the ladder are the more abstract or general terms.

How would you answer what are my long range occupational goals for a utility clerk job?

To apply for new positions when they come available and climb the corporate ladder.

What is imposed etic?

An etic construct is a theoretical idea that is assumed to apply in all cultural groups. An emic construct is one that applies only in one cultural group. Cultural bias can occur if a researcher assumes that an emic construct is actually etic. This results in an imposed etic, where a culture-specific idea is wrongly imposed on another culture.

If you already have a BA in Biology is there a short cut to getting certified as a physical therapist assistant?

There really isn't a short cut because of the sequential course layout. Some credits from your biology degree will apply, however, once again because of the sequential nature of the program it would still take approximately two years to complete.

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How can one get a job as a forester?

To start with, one should obtain a BA in Forestry. The easiest way is to apply for an entry level job is with a forest products company, working up the ladder as experience is gained.

Can you suggest an interesting algorithm in AI and an improvement of it?

Offcourse.Its MINIMAX Algorithm to construct game tree.The improvement is made by inventing Alpha-Beta Pruning.Another improvement over it is to apply Iterative Deepening Search(IDS) over it.

Why is the cos of 60 degrees 0.5?

Because if you construct a right triangle in which the acute angles are 30° and 60°, you'll find that the side adjacent to the 60° angle is 1/2 the length of the hypotenuse, which is how you apply the definition of the cosine.

Why don't you have numbers on the back of your Social Security card?

Your card may not have numbers on the back if it was issued before the Social Security Administration began using sequential control numbers. If you apply for a replacement card, the new card will probably have an alpha-numeric code on the back.

How do you make a database using MySQL?

As an administrator, open the MySQL Workbench (Right-click, Run as Admin). To construct the database schema, go to File>Create Schema. Click Apply after giving the schema a name. To perform the SQL command that creates the schema, click Apply in the Apply SQL Script to Database window. To learn more about data science please visit-

How does science apply to bridge building?

When your building a bridge, you have to deal with questions like which materials should be used, how much force can be applied before the structure collapses, and how to construct a bridge with a greater ability to withstand wieght. --Stew Pidasole