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The grieving process is different for each person. If you're in a relationship with someone who recently lost his/her spouse, you may be satisfying a need to ease the pain of loneliness and memories. Those are very strong and deep emotions; someone who's going through grief may need to just hold onto someone, even if he/she knows it won't last. If you're in a relationship with someone who lost a spouse a long time ago (over two or three years), you may just have to be patient and understand that losing a spouse is traumatic. If you have patience and understanding, your lover may eventually begin to put the grieving aside, at least to a degree where it doesn't affect your relationship. But you should always remember that the death of a spouse is very different from divorce. The ending of a marriage through death is not voluntary, the grief can be permanent, and it takes a very long time to get through it and begin to live (and love) again. Just remain steady and constant, don't demand what your lover can't provide, and see if it improves over time.

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Q: How do you continue in a relationship when significant is still grieving for deceased spouse?
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