

How do you control the smell of a ferret?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How do you control the smell of a ferret?
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Can a ferret lose its sense of smell?

A ferret could possibly lose their sense of smell from an illness.

Why is your male ferret in your female ferret privates?

....when a mummy ferret and a daddy ferret love each other very much... He is trying to mate with the female ferret.

Why does a ferret lick your hand a lot?

Because, you have some smell that the ferret likes and maybe you cant smell it so that's what i think.Like many animals, they crave salt.My ferret is attracted to hand and body lotionBecause they love you!

Horse hates ferret smell why?

How do you know your horse hates ferret smell? If he told you, ask him as I would not know why I know because every time my daughter has been near the ferrets he sniffs and snorts and I don't need some one to be smart just asking for a bit of information as to why they might react to a ferret smell best I ask a Vet that would have the correct answer might be a lot easier

How much does it cost to have a ferret descented?

The price varies with different veterinarians. You will have to contact your local vet to learn the actual price. Please keep in mind that descenting a ferret is completely unnecessary. The musky smell associated with ferrets does not come from the scent glands and removing them rarely lessens the odor. In Europe, descenting is considered cruel and unusual, and is often illegal.

How do you teach your ferret that is blind and deaf not to bite?

To keep your blind and deaf ferret from biting, approach him slowly as not to startle him (if that's what making him bite) . He has a keen sense of smell, let him smell as you slowly approach him. An alternative would be to use a product called "bitter apple"

What does a black-footed ferret do with his ears?

The black footed ferret's large ears and eyes suggest it has acute hearing and sight, but smell is probably its most important sense for hunting prey underground in the dark.

What sense do ferrets use most?

Their sense of smell.. Ferret do not see particularly well, and often hunt underground where it's dark. Many ferrets have actually become blind without their owners realizing it until they moved some furniture and saw the ferret running right into it. Having a blind ferret should be fine, since they use their sense of smell, whiskers and hearing so much

Is it okay to bathe your ferret more than average?

No it is not. A lot of the ferrets scent comes from oil produced by its skin. Bathing the ferret too often causes the skin to produce more oil to replace the oil it lost from being washed. The more you bathe your ferret, the more oil their skin produces, the more they smell. A ferret should only be bathe 2-3 times a year with special ferret shampoo.

Do ferrets stink or is it the cage?

Ferrets have an odor that comes from their sebaceous glands in the skin that secretes an oily/waxy matter, which is a musk odor (which some people find offensive). Ferret that have not been altered will have a more pronounced odor during mating season (especially males - hobs), altered ferrets have less of a smell. The odor will accumulate on their bedding and must be kept clean and washed. The litter box must be cleaned daily and avoid feeding any ferret food that has fish ingredients, which makes their feces smell more.Advice from another contributor:Ferrets have a very strong smell, that comes from their body, and from their cage. The smell of the body of a ferret isn't a bad smell, although some people think it is. The cage is what smells the most though, because of their "droppings". There are products that help to lessen the smell, although it does still linger in the air. The individual ferret has a smell but it isn't quite as strong or bad, and some people even love that smell. It all depends on the nose.

What term is best for some people don't like ferrets as pets they have a strong odor?

I've always believed a pet that smells Bad is because the person handling them isn't properly taking care of them.A combination of Healthy Diet for a Ferret with plenty protein, they're Obligate Carnivores, which means they can only digest nutrients from meat-based 'premium' ferret food/cat food products And a healthy, clean home will knock down the so-called strong odor a few decent notches.Fish-based food or vegetable/fruit will increase poop smell , and some veggies/fruits are deadly.As opposed to some animals, the less u actually bathe a ferret, the better.Like a cat, a ferret bathed frequently will be stripped much needed oils, which means they'll produce it more and smell more.A male ferret that is Not neutered, besides the fact they really should be unless breeding, will noticeably stink...Pungent, strong, and the 'big boy' will look more 'yellow' if he's rutting, that's his Musk in action, a ferrets version of studly Cologne to make the female ferret swoon, and the rival male beware.That's their biology, which means they use that Odor to mark territory.A fixed ferret, however, shouldn't have more than a mild 'scent' that most ferret Owners don't mind, it doesn't rub off, it's just a ferret thing.Any animal will smell, a Dog, a Cat, a Ferret, a Hamster.It's all in how well the owner takes care of them.

What function does the olfactory nerve control?

to transfer nerve impulses to the brain