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they have thick skin

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Q: How do you control your salamanders temperature?
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Related questions

Are salamanders coldblooded?

Yes, salamanders are cold blooded and cannot regulate their temperature without help from external heat sources. Their body temperature changes as the temperature around them changes.

To avoid over heating fire salamanders should stay under what temperature?

fire salamanders will do well in normal room temperature 73-76 F.

At what temperature Fahrenheit should fire salamanders stay?

Fire salamanders must stay within 60-74 degrees Fahrenheit in order to stay the regular temperature.

Are Salamanders warmblooded?

Salamanders are cold-blooded, not warm-blooded. Salamanders are amphibians, and all amphibians are cold-blooded. no. they take on the temperature of the environment. salamanders need a heat source like a light when in captivity.

Are slender salamanders cold-blooded or warmblooded?

Salamanders are amphibians. All amphibians are cold-blooded ectotherms-animals whose body temperature depends on their environment.

Do salamanders need heat?

Salamanders are Poikilothermic. This means that their body temperature is determined by their environment.

Do salamanders give birth?

how do born salamanders come out adult salamanders

Is a salamander a warm blooded animal?

All salamanders are cold blooded in which their body temperature is related to their immediate environment. As a simple example, if their body temperature gets too hot because of the sun, the salamander would have to move to a cooler place out of the sun light.

Are salamanders anphibians?

Salamanders are anphibians

Are salamanders vertebrate or invertebrate?

salamanders are vertebrates

What kind of animals are salamanders?

Salamanders are amphibians.

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why is it important to control temperature during of dimension