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4d ago

Ethane cannot be directly converted to ethanoic acid. However, a common way to prepare ethanoic acid is through the oxidation of ethanol (using methods such as the oxidation with chromic acid or potassium permanganate). Ethanol can be obtained from ethane through hydration, where ethane is reacted with steam in the presence of a catalyst to form ethanol.

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Q: How do you convert ethane to ethanoic acid?
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How do you convert methanoic acid to ethanoic acid?

Methanoic acid (formic acid) can be converted to ethanoic acid (acetic acid) by oxidation. One common method is to react methanoic acid with a strong oxidizing agent, such as potassium permanganate (KMnO4), in the presence of sulfuric acid (H2SO4). The oxidation process converts the carboxylic acid group in formic acid to form the carboxylic acid group in acetic acid.

How to convert methanoic acid to ethanoic acid?

you can't, it's impossible.

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Acetic acid can be converted to ethane through decarboxylation, where acetic acid undergoes thermal decomposition to produce carbon dioxide and ethane. This process typically requires high temperatures and pressure.

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Sodium propanoate cannot be directly converted into ethane. Ethane is a simple hydrocarbon (C2H6), while sodium propanoate is a salt of propanoic acid. You would need a series of complex chemical reactions involving multiple steps to convert sodium propanoate into ethane.

Is ethanoic acid an alkali?

No, ethanoic acid is not an alkali. It is a weak organic acid commonly known as acetic acid. Alkalis are substances that are bases and have a pH greater than 7, while ethanoic acid has a pH less than 7.

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1 you will need an ester called vinyl acetate, to make the ester you need ethanoic acid and hydroxy ethane obtain ethane from crude oil by fractional distillation treat ethane with bromine in the presence of UV light. treat with aqueous NaOH to form ethanol we have got ethanol we need ethanoic acid add acidified potassium dichromate and conc H2SO4 condition: Heat under reflux.

Which is weaker hydrobromic acid or ethanoic acid?

HBr is a strong acid. Ethanoic acid (acetic acid) is a weak acid. So ethanoic acid is weaker.

How do you convert but-2-ene to ethanoic acid?

Oxidation with acidic KMnO4 or Ozonolysis followed by oxidation

Is ethanoic stronger than hydrochloric?

Ethanoic acid (acetic acid) is a weak acid and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a strong acid. So, ethanoic acid is NOT stronger than hydrochloric acid.

What is the method which can be used to differentiate sulphuric acid and ethanoic acid?

you can take NMR of ethanoic acid

What are the differences between oxalic acid and ethanoic acid?

Oxalic acid has two carboxylic acid groups and is stronger in acidic properties compared to ethanoic acid, which has only one carboxylic acid group. Oxalic acid is toxic when ingested, while ethanoic acid is commonly found in vinegar and is safe for consumption in small quantities.

What is the result for ethanoic acid plus vinegar?

Ethanoic acid and vinegar are the same thing; vinegar is a diluted form of ethanoic acid. Mixing ethanoic acid with vinegar would not result in any chemical reaction or change.