

How do you convert mechanical energy into light?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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9y ago

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First, you use the mechanical energy to power a generator. Then you use the electricity from the generator to power a light bulb. Because the filament is a resistor, it converts enough of the electricity into heat energy to cause the filament to glow.

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9y ago

Lots of ways!

Are you looking for the quantitative or the qualitative answer?

If you're looking for a simple answer, buy one of those flashlights that you shake. This is what's called induction. Simply put, induction is the act of moving a magnet through a coil of metal creating a flow of electrons, or current. This current can be easily converted to light by using an element that resists the flow of electricity and conversely gives off light, or by using a Light Emitting Diode (LED).

Even simpler: Light a match. You do work to provide the necessary friction and heat to ignite the chemicals on the match, and create light.


Another way - used in those flashing-light shoes made for children and more usefully in sonar and its related fields - is piezoelectricity. A piezoelectric material is one which responds to changing stress hence strain by producing a proportional potential difference (voltage) across it; but the generation occurs only while the strain is changing, and the power / volume ratio is very low.

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