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Q: How do you convince your class that they shouldn't drink and drive?
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`what? they shouldnt get gas...they dont drive cars...duhhh they are babies..if you let your baby drive im calling difus.

Is it harder to smoke amd drive or drink and drive?

it is harder to drink and drive

How old do you have to be to drink and drive?

It is illegal to drink and drive at any age.

How many teenagers drink drive a year?

I will say over 200 teenager drink and drive when they were young

Don't drink and drive?

Of COURSE you should NEVER drink and drive (unless you wish to commit suicide).

When trying to convince a friend not to drive after drinking what should you try?

You shouldn't have to rationalise with a drunk mate who wants to drive, there shouldn't even be an argument in which you have to convince him not to. If this person is over the limit/not in the right state to drive then you shouldn't let them. Take their keys if you have to. They should thank you in the morning. You very well could be saving lives by not letting them get in that car, so do anything you can.

Do you drink and drive?


When do people drink and drive?

After they drink, and stop thinking clearly.

How many teenagers drink drive?

half of teenagers that drink

I need a funny skit for a mature driver operators class?

Make a skit of a drunk driver dying. It will tell the mature drivers to not drink and drive. Simple as tht

How do you make this question are there any reasons to drink and drive into a statement?

There are reasons to drink and drive, although I ( you ) don't know what they are.