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From my experience I have been begging my mom to have a 4th sibling and she said she doesnt know yet if she would like one but this is how it worked

1. next time you are out shopping show her all of the baby clothes and how cute they are

2. explaing to your parents why you want one

3. do chores be a good-girl

4. point out people with there own babies next time you are out.

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Wiki User

13y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago
Like she refuses to have a baby its annoying 
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yumme ciya

Lvl 1
2y ago
my mom is like im too old but im still trying
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12y ago

First of all, you have to pick the right time to ask them, like pick the time when they're calm and just sitting around doing nothing. Then to ask them, you say something like, "Mom, Dad, I don't think that you know that I've really wanted this for a while now and I don't know what you'll say about it but I really, really want to adopt a brother/sister from this Adoption Agency." If they say no to you mention to them that you will raise the money yourself by selling things like T-shirts, running a concession stand near the pool on a hot day, etc. Do whatever you can to get them to say yes. And if they do start saving up as quick as you can. Adoptions range between $5,000 to $20,000 or more especially overseas. So the faster you get the money the quicker you'll have someone new in the house!

A bit more:

You don't. Raising a child is a huge responsibility - financially, emotionally and physically. And these responsibilities last for many, many years. If your parents want another child they will have one, or they will adopt one.

If they don't want another child, it would be very selfish of you to try to convince them to adopt one, because you would be thinking of what you want rather than what they want, or what they feel they can handle.

You also have to consider the adopted child. What if you did hound your parents about it until you did finally wear them down and they finally agree to do so? They may possibly end up resentful of the adopted child, which would be a disaster for that innocent child, as well as your whole family.

Adopting, or even having a child, is the decision of the parents, and they will make the decision they feel is best for them, and the entire family. I hope you will respect their decision.

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Lvl 1
3y ago
yeah, but also its your parents dissuasion. You might not understand how big of a responsibility it is.
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C Coupland

Lvl 1
3y ago
Respect your parents choice
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Faustine Yannic Luci...

Lvl 1
1y ago
Thank you for this thank you
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Lvl 1
1y ago
Pls all I want is to know the feeling of having a sibling.

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Lvl 2
2y ago

Something that will help is asking your parents "What can I do to prove to you that I can help out with a baby and get a/another sibling?" and whatever they say will help so if you do that stuff then you might get a/another sibling

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Filomena Scioscioli

Lvl 2
3y ago

ikd pls help I want a 2nd sibling what should I do

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Vern Armstrong

Lvl 1
3y ago
How did you get that answer?

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Wiki User

13y ago

ask politely?

there's really no way to convince your parents, it happens with time, or it might not happen...

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Khloey Curtis

Lvl 2
1y ago

My aunt recently had baby twins and i always show her pictures of them and peoples tiny baby's when were in public.

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10y ago

get a balloon, inflate it and write "i'd really like another baby brother or sister" on it, then go to your parents and have your mom blow it up and say there's a message on it for her!

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Lauren Hpole

Lvl 2
3y ago

Beg them? It worked for me!! Or maybe your parents would feel bad for you if you're playing by yourself. Or doing something that is meant for two people.

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yumme ciya

Lvl 2
2y ago

i mean just convince them thats the best idea and if your like me who has 1 sibling and want another just say that it would be a good idea to have another child maybe just maybe it would work

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Lvl 1
3y ago

force them

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Molli Davies

Lvl 1
3y ago
how are you gonna force them

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