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Q: How do you convince your parents to let you go to an acting camp when they are unsupportive?
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How to Decide on an Acting Camp for a Kid?

Attending acting camp can be a fun way for a kid to explore his or her interests in acting. Many acting camps have activities that involve improving kids singing and dancing skills as well as developing their acting talents. Parents should consider some things when looking at the various acting camps available for a kid.First, parents must consider whether the instructors at a camp are qualified. A reputable acting camp will likely offer information on the accomplishments and education of its instructors. Perhaps some of the instructors at the acting camp are successful stage actors who are volunteering their time to help young kids interested in the art of acting. It is important for parents to establish the credentials of the instructors at an acting camp in order to be assured that their kids are learning from people with knowledge to contribute.Secondly, parents must take a look at the program of the acting camp. In other words, does the acting camp have a structured schedule of activities, classes, and workshops? An organized acting camp will be able to pass on a great deal of knowledge to its kids in the short amount of time that they are there. In addition, a kid should be able to look at the list of programs at an acting camp and point out several activities of interest to him or her. Since most acting camps last just a few weeks, an organized structure helps a kid to absorb as much knowledge as he or she is able.Taking a tour of an acting camp is another useful step in finding a suitable one. Parents will be able to talk with instructors and see the living quarters of the kids’ as well as the activity rooms. By meeting the people who run the acting camp parents can determine whether the instructors are enthusiastic about what they do. In addition, parents are able to see whether the camp itself is well kept and cleanly. A short visit to the open house of an acting camp can help parents get a better idea of whether the acting camp is the right one for their child.

How can I convince my parents to let me go to a Sleep Away Camp?

if your friends are goign tell your parents that your friends are going .. try to find a camp near home or pretty close an one that u learn a little in

Is there an acting camp for teens near Hollywood?

Yes, Young Actors Camp is a camp in the California area that specializes in helping teens reach their full acting potential. Another great camp is a camp in Los Angeles named Film and Acting Camp at NY Film Academy.

Is Pali adventures a good acting camp?

Pali Adventures Summer Camp is the best camp in the entire world! I went there this summer and am going back next summer as well. It is a fantastic acting camp. Pali is not only a good acting camp, but it is also fun. I cannot stop thinking about it. There is no doubt about it. You should totally go!

How did Sterling Knight get discovered?

Acting camp

How can I convince my parents to let me go to science camp for 4 days?

You should tell them that science is your favorite subject. So tell them you can learn more if you go to science camp! tell them it might make you r report card higher on science if you go.

Which One Direction member did Simon cowell have to convince to return during to the boot camp dance routine?

which 1d member did Simon cowbell have to convince to retun during the boot camp dance routine

How do i convince my mom to go to texas for the summer?

Between the parents, job situation and future goals, sounds like you'd be better off staying where you are and moving to Florida after you come of age. Unless you'd rather never see your dad, live with frustrated parents who are having money problems because they can't get work and give up on your acting dream for rain (which are mainly vicious afternoon storms) and humid, nasty heat.

What is demis first acting role?

camp rock

How do you take acting lessons?

Go to Theater Camp

is there a acting camp for kids in va?

yes there acting camps in va. you can refer the web

How do I convince my parents to let me go to a sleep away camp and they wont let me go because they are worried about me but I really want to go?

All legitimate camps have counselors to keep the kids safe and well looked after. Get the counselor to phone your parents and perhaps visit them at your home to explain what the camp is like and what the rules of that camp are and this may change your parent's mind. If you cannot do that then if one or more of your friends are going have their parents phone your parents. Many parents hear a lot more horror stories about camps than you will ever hear at your age and you are lucky they care enough to keep you safe because they love you.