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  • The only reason your spouse would have to interact with the woman he had an affair with is if they are in a workplace environment and unfortunately, there is nothing much you can do about this, but to tell your husband if he slips one more time you are filing for divorce.
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Q: How do you cope if your spouse still has to interact with the woman he had an affair with?
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Why can't we blame the spouse from their affair instead of the other woman?

You should be able to blame your spouse fully, since he/she allgedly cheated on you, whether the person they had the affair with realized it or not.

How will you feel if your spouse compared you to his affair partner?

No woman would want to be compared to their spouse's affair partner. When a spouse does this they are getting even for having to stay with their spouse. It hurts and cuts deeply when the cheating spouse makes comments about how much better their affair partner was. Take control and let your spouse know immediately you are not going to put up with their childish behavior and if their affair partner is so great then tell him/her (no matter how hard it is for you) that you will file for divorce as you deserve better.ANSWER:It will be a pleasure to answer this question because it did happened to me personally. When I discovered my husband's affair, I had found out that his not only admired this woman but he fell in love with her. And that is why he compared me to his "friend" aka mistress. The day he compared me to her was the day that I know, no matter how much we wanted to rebuild the relationship it will not work with me anymore. I will not be the second choice after his affair..

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Only if you are the one married to them! It is not, even if that man or woman is getting a divorce, while they are still married, it would be alright for you, but for that man or woman, their spouse will see that, before they've even split apart, they're having an affair.

Can you divorce if spouse is gay?

Yes. If you can prove he had an affair and had an affair with another man, then you have grounds for divorce just like if the man was cheating with another woman. Unless of course it's a "gay" marriage, then I think that would defeat the purpose don't you. The same above would also apply if the spouse is female and is cheating on the man with another woman.

Your spouse is still cheating with the same woman what does this mean?

It means you should leave them.

What is the difference between cheating husband to cheating wife?

Cheating is cheating no matter if the woman is married or single. The only difference is the man involved feels he can have a wild affair with a married woman without commitment because she will most likely stay with her spouse and the man cheating will stay with his spouse, but if he should have an affair with a single woman she may want him to leave his wife and commit to her.

Is Rosie still married to Bob Morales?

yes but she is having an affair with anoter woman

Is a female having an affair with a married woman really an affair?

Most marriage vows include the phrase "forsaking all others", or something similar. Any relationship outside the marriage, whether same-sex or opposite-sex, is a violation of the committment made to the spouse. It is for the married woman.

You have an affair with a married woman?

i had a romantic love with a married woman in my church.but no affair.

How can you keep your husband from seeing the woman he cheated with now that the affair is over?

That's his responsibility. If he is still seeing her, the affair is not over. You can't control your husband. A spouse has the right to the respect, loyalty and faithfulness of their partner. If your husband can't control his behavior then you need to assess your status as his wife and whether you want your present situation to continue. Are you better off with him or without him?

What is the definition of adultery?

voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse

Does a mistress ever physically attact the wife?

There have been all sorts of unplanned consequences resulting from an affair, besides STIs and pregnancies. In some affairs, the other person becomes a stalker or blackmails the cheating spouse; the affair partner (other woman/other man) harasses and threatens the betrayed spouse, the betrayed spouse harasses the affair partner. Even worse, there have been murders and suicides as a result of an affair. There's no way to predict what person will be set off by the results of an affair. ANSWER: AS far as I know yes there are some mistress that do no stop harassing the wife. I'm not sure how dangerous a mistress are, but I will use my past experience. When I discovered my husbands love affair, it automatically changed their life together. She said I ruined her life with my husband, and some other stuff. To me it's my husbands fault why she become this way, even they met on a dating site, it was him who pursue her even if she was still married. And because he fell in love with her but unfortunately I discovered their affair, he stop seeing her. That woman still part of my life even I don't have a life with the man that I married. But this is what the mistress is been doing, to make my life with my children miserable.