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Create a file and set it's permissions to 222

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Q: How do you create a file in Linux with write-only permissions?
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What Linux command sets a files permission?

In Linux the chmod command is used to set file permissions.

What does binary file permission 6 indicate in Linux?

File permissions in Linux are not represented in binary format, but rather octal format. The first digit represents owner permissions, second digit is group permissions, and the final one is permissions for everyone. Read permissions are assigned a 4, write permissions are assigned a 2, and execute permissions are assigned a 1. A 6 permission allows read and write (4+2).

What is the name of the utility that will allow you to change the default group associated with group permissions on a Linux file folder?


What does ls -ld in Linux do?

It lists the directories (folders) only in a given path, and also lists the file permissions and file sizes for those folders.

What are file permissions in Linux?

The typical way to view file permissions is to use the 'ls' command with the long listing options enabled, For example, to see the file permissions for everything in the current directory, type: ls -lsa

How do you make a command on Ubuntu 9.04?

Anything can be made into a command on a Linux system. The steps are easy. First, using any text editor (vim, emacs, etc.) create a text file. Put anything you want to do in this file. Save the file. Make sure the file you just created has read and execute permissions (chmod). That's it! Now you have a command that you can execute in Linux.

What are the two commands for setting permissions on a file or directory?

There is generally only 1 standard command for permissions on a file or directory - chmod. You can affect permissions by other commands such as changing the ownership or group ownership of a file or directory. Other commands may be specific to different versions of Unix and Linux, so are not listed here.

What program is used to change a file permissions?

If you're talking Linux, then a terminal would do you just fine. chmod is used to change file permissions. Ex: chmod 755 /filename You could probably use a file manager to do that as well. In Windows, right click and properties (there are advanced permissions as well that would only be accessible to an administrator).

Linux command to create myfiletxt in the DATA folder?

You want to do that from command line? Create folder DATA with mkdir DATA. (You should have permissions to create it) If you want to create an empty file, just say touch DATA/myfile.txt Or you can use the vi editor to write to the file (vi will open the file if it exists else will create that file for you), just type vi DATA/myfile.txt You may need to learn some vi keys before you try that. On Linux, try vimtutor! And just in case you think it is boring to type DATA/something... do CD DATA after creating the directory (folder) . Enjoy :)

What permissions does Linux have on files and directories?

Each file and directory can be marked read-only, writable, and executable. Each file / directory will contain three sets of permissions that can be marked as such, namely the owner, other users in the owners group, and users not in the group.

Linux command will allow you to change file permissions?

The chmod command. For it's usage, consult it's manual page with the... $ man chmod command....

Which of the following tasks can you perform using the Computer Management console?

Set access permissions for shared folders Create shared folders View file and folder permissions