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Q: How do you create and remove a file beginning with hyphen?
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What are five unix commands?

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What are the 2 major characters commonly used to substitute space in a file name?

Underscore and a hyphen _ <<underscore - << hyphen you can also use '%20' that is hex code for a space

How do you create an header file in c with example?

Any file can be called a header. Whenever someone uses #include , it's the same as copy/pasting that file in that spot. Typically though, they call it a header if it's included at the beginning of your source.

How do you remove a file name at beginning of saved movie in Windows Movie Maker?

Hmmm... Since it is not possible to remove a file name of a saved Windows Movie Maker project altogether (leaving it blank) I have to assume you want to rename it instead? Are you asking how to 'rename' a file? If so, right-click the file and choose Rename from the drop-down menu.

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The location of the file system properties are included when you create or modify the file.

How do you create .exe file in c plus plus?

You can create an exe-file from your C++ source, if you have a compiler.

How do you create a file in Linux with write-only permissions?

Create a file and set it's permissions to 222

How do you create a file and not a folder?

Depends on your type of computer windows if you click on new you should see create folder in the folder you can create a file

In Windows XP How do you create a text file?

To createa text file in Windows XP or any version of XP, open any word processor or text editor and create your file. Once you create your file, save it with the .TXT contention to save it as a text file.

How can one create alias DVDs for a recording?

By using a burn file. The burn file will create an alias or "shortcut". You can then delete the burn file and the alias will be deleted but the original file will remain.

Program in Java to create file and copy content of an existing file to it?

You need to use File class to create file in java and than Reader class implementation such as BufferedReder to read content.

What is an excel file?

When you create a spreadsheet or workbook then a corresponding file is created on your machine, that file is known as excel file.