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Simple, take a petri dish and get some moist cardboard and popsicle sticks and put it in there. Break the sticks if needed. Add the termites. And close it. Open it for a few seconds every week for air. Leave undisturbed. Eggs and larvae will apear in a few months. Spray the popsicle sticks and cardboard with water weekly. You can also use small or big hard plastic conatiner. Take some popsicle sticks and put it in the bottom, then stack moist cardboard in it. And same thing with petri dish, though you can poke holes using push pin then add a cloth or mesh to it for another option for air. You can add soil to it. Not too much though, because you wont be able to observe them. The queen will be visible after 6 months. She is big so you need to drill a hole in the petri dish and add a tube to another petri dish to connect them. The king is smaller than the queen. If you use the soil less setup, get the soil, because they can be used for fertillizer. Leave a little so that the nymphs or larvae will eat them. Add wood if you want to. But not cedar, it has a natural insect repellant. Pine is good.Keep it moist. In a few weeks add a dried leaf in it. They will eat it. Still dunk the dry leaf in purified or drinking water.

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