

Best Answer

It really depends on the cause of the sore throat. Occasionally a persons throat can become sore by consuming something that irritates the lining of the throat and the only preventative or treatment is to avoid the irritant. In most cases the cause of a sore throat is bacterial. Treatment with an antibacterial agent such as salt is the best way to reduce the bacteria count to speed recovery. This should be used by putting some ordinary table salt into some cooled boiled water and using it like a mouthwash, swishing it all around the mouth and gargling with it before spitting it out. It is important to spit it out and not to swallow it as a sudden dramatic increase in the amount of salt you ingest could cause problems with your heart. As an alternative a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil used in the same way also works well but tastes terrible.

As well as 'curing' a sore throat you can reduce the symptoms of the infection. Some honey in boiled water can ease the tightness and soreness - drink warm and taking the recommended amount of an anti-inflammatory can help take down some of the swelling and make it more comfortable.

Bear in mind that a sore throat is often an 'infection' and whilst usually minor (although they can make you feel dreadful) consult a doctor if worried, particularly if your tonsills swell quite a bit. Recurrent tonsillitis can eventually cause hearing loss. If you have white spots on the back of your throat or tonsills you should see a doctor straight away as you possibly need treatment with antibiotics.


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