

Best Answer

Buy Magic Goop at the pharmacy. Hope that helps! :)

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Q: How do you cure a Neopet with achy head?
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How do you use achy in a sentence?

I'd rather not go shopping today, my head is a bit achy.

Do you have a Neopet?

yes i have neopet on my neopet id

On Neopets what does the Witchy Negg do?

According to the Witchy Negg 'Can change your NeoPet into a Lenny, Tuskainny, or Moehog, change NeoPets gender, boost there intelligence, raise there HP or cure any diseases the NeoPet has.'

Your Neopet is unhappy what do you do?

You can make it happy by playing Kacheek Seek, Cure it if it is sick, Give toys to it to play with or feed it if it is hungry.

Where is the neohospital in Neopet?

The neohospital is where you can find out what you need to cure your neopet's illness. There is a link here: If you want to buy a cure, you can go to any one of these shops: You could always search for your cure with the Shop Wizard as well.

Is a Nimmo from Neopets a neopet or petpet?

A Nimmo is a neopet.

Can your Neopet die if it has no Hit Points?

no your neopet will never die

What is the worst type of hunger for a Neopet?

The 'hungriest' a Neopet will get, is the 'Dying' status.

Does butter cure a bump on the head?

No butter does not cure a bump on the head, but try spreading it on your toast it tastes great.

Who said the sneezing sniffling coughing achy head fever how the hell did you wind up on your kitchen floor medicine?

John Pinette

Can you get achy hands from cleaning dishes?

yes you can get achy hands from cleaning the dishes.

When was Stéphane Achy born?

Stéphane Achy was born on 1988-07-11.