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==TAKE THIS DOG TO THE VET RIGHT AWAY. ANY ANIMAL THAT HAS BLOOD IN IT'S URINE SHOULD GO TO THE VET ASAP!!!!== ==If you we're peeing and you saw blood in your urine, would you be posting a message on wikianswers or would you be on the phone with the doctor??==

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Q: How do you cure a chihuahua that has blood in her urine?
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Chihuahua started passing small amt of blood in urine 3 weeks after giving birth to 5 pups?

As you can proably guess, a Chihuahua does not have a large amount of blood. You should have your dog looked at by a vet.

What can urine cure?

Urine can cure conjuctivitis

What is the cure for geliophobia?

Cat Urine.

Can a chihuahua breed with a blood hound?

if it is a male chihuahua with a female blood hound ,that would be possible BUT not recommendable, according to breeders it would be unethical in case of a female chihuahua with a male blood hound NO the chihuahua would likely die in pregnancy or birth so overall the answer should be NO, the bloodhound is too big

Is horse blood in medicene?

There is a certain breed of horse whoes blood helps cure snake bites, other than that I know female pregnant horse urine is out in a pill for pregnant women

What converts blood into urine?

Blood is not "converted" into urine. Urine is EXTRACTED from the blood by the two organs called the "kidneys".

Does urine cure acne?

NO!! It actually doesnt

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What is Urea in the blood?

Urea is one of the substances in urine, and urine is in your blood stream until the kidney extract the urine from your blood.

Can a chihuahua eat another chihuahua?

No, because that would be insane. Chihuahua's are omnivores, but they prefer healthy kibble instead of raw meat soaked in blood!

What tool spins out blood or urine?

Blood and urine are spun on centrifuges.

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