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There is a herb called black cohosh, which can be purchased at most GNC stores, take one the morning of that nervous event. It also help with night sweats and hot flashes.

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Q: How do you cure a horrible sweating problem which is caused by extreme nervousness?
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What stimulates sweat?

excesive sweating is a problem but it is caused by overactive sweat glands they have a special deodroant

Which term describes the occasionally normal condition of profuse sweating?

Diaphoresis is profuse sweating, and usually describes an acute condition. Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for the chronic condition of excessive sweating.

Why can sweating too much be dangerous?

Sweating too much will not kill but it will cause dehydration that may kill if not enough water is being replenished. Heavy sweating can cause major social and personal problems to your life. If you are sweating alot for no particular reasons, you may be suffering from a medical problem termed hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

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What are some excessive sweating treatments?

I have this problem (ugh!) First go to your dermatologist. To start off with they can prescribe an antiperspirant called Drysol. It works wonders!!! I use to be able to hold my hand, fingertips pointing downward, and the sweat would just drip off of them. After Drysol, it doesnt happen anymore. There is also another more extreme option, Im not sure exactly how it works, but a MD can "clip" one of the nerves in your chest that contributes to the excessive sweating. Hope this helps! If interested you can get your excessive sweating treatment done at Skin City India with the latest technology: Miradry - Miradry is a microwave technology designed to reduce excessive sweating. You can know more about this treatment at their website:

How can i stop sweating lots?

Overactive sweating is usually due to having a problem with the integumentary system. Another possible issue could be too high of sodium or blood pressure. The system is always trying to regulate the body's internal temperature, so constant sweating is usually due to too high of BMI. The excessive sweating is also party due to genetics, or simply due to aerobic exercise.

Would sweating profusely mean a infection?

Profuse sweating could mean infection, hormonal problem, heart attack, drug withdrawal, or a host of other conditions. Talk to your health care provider for a full evaluation of your symptoms.

Does Grover smoke?

yes Grover Cleveland got mouth cancer by smoking and had a horrible breathing problem