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we can cure bad body odour by using 24 hours deodrant and spray

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Q: How do you cure body odour?
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Why do you have body odour?

you get body odour from the hairs and rubbing togetherness of your underarms...

Can body odor be cured?

Occording to recent Case Studies on Jeevan Panesar it has been found that there is no cure for body odour. In fact the odour seemed to regenerate within 2 minutes and was even worse. Deoderants are useless and showers are ineffective. It was seen that even clothes were useless as the sweat acted as acid.

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Body odour == == == ==

What is b o?

Body Odour. Something you have alot of probably

Why does stale sweat have unpleasant smell?

because it is body odour

Does body odor mean puberty?

In most of the cases , yes. Body odour is a sign of puberty.

Do northern quoll have a putrid body odor?

Yes, they have quite an unpleasant odour, characteristic of a carnivorous carrion-eater.

Can you have body odor without knowing it what is the cause?

Fresh sweat is odourless. Body odour is caused by bacteria on our skin!

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no odour

Why do we get car sick if going on long trips?

Because your passengers have bad body odour.

Does hydrogen have a odour?

The hydrogen has no odour.

What is the opposite of odour?

Odourlessness is the opposite of odour.