

How do you cut a comb of a game rooster?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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9y ago

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There is no medical reason to cut the comb of a game rooster. This is very painful and can cause a lot of bleeding. If the comb is cut and not cared for properly, it can cause infections and death. It is not advised to do this. Some people say that it is done to prevent frost bite. There is no danger in frost bite.

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Q: How do you cut a comb of a game rooster?
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When they get the injections from a rooster's comb, the rooster does have to be killed. They can get rid of a rooster's comb without killing it but it has to be on the first day that it is born.

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A rooster's comb is a red, fleshy growth on the top of its head.

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It's called a rose comb usually a rooster breed from Spain.

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No, it is a process called dubbing, which required for show quality game bantams.

How do you tell if a chicken is a rooster?

If they have a comb

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The thing on a rooster's head is called a comb.

Why do old folks cut the comb off of a chicken?

The comb is removed from fighting rooster so the opposing fighting cock cannot get the comb in its beak in order to hold the head and kick it with it's spurs. The comb may be trimmed if it gets frostbitten in the winter. This helps prevent infection and does not hurt the rooster since the tissue is already dead. Since fighting chickens is illegal, the is no reason to cut the comb off any chicken. The comb of a chicken helps regulate the body temperature of the bird, without the comb the chicken will suffer in the heat of the summer. Removing the comb also exposes the bird to infection and unnecessary pain and suffering.

What animal has a comb and two spurs?

A rooster

Where on the rooster is the comb located?

it is on top of their heads

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It is called a comb.

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What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence the one with the zigzag comb is a White Leghorn rooster?

The prepositional phrase in the sentence is "with the zigzag comb," which provides additional information about the White Leghorn rooster.